“People are addicted to taking their computers and their televisions with them. If you’re an investor, that’s all you need to think about.”
10 years ago, Microsoft practically ruled the world. From business to home use, people relied on Microsoft for profit and pleasure in the world of computing. Today, things have changed and many no longer rely on Microsoft at all. There are many that use only iOS or Android devices, others that rely on Linux and just as many today don’t use or even see a Microsoft product for weeks at a time. Microsoft just isn’t what it use to be.
Microsoft built an entire empire around the the Server and Desktop PC. While the Server division of Microsoft is still bringing in good sales numbers and should do so for a while do to the built-in business reliance on the Windows Server now, the Windows 8 consumer OS entered an era where consumers just really have little interest in the latest & greatest Microsoft OS.
Microsoft recently reported a fact in claiming that they have sold 40 million Windows 8 licenses since it’s release to the end of November, but a fact doesn’t constitute the whole truth of a mater. According to another report by analysts NPD, Windows 8 sales during the first four weeks of its launch were down 21% when compared to this same time last year. The NY Times also recently reported that even Microsoft is probably fooling themselves if they think they’re off to a great start for 2013.
Smart-Phones and tablets are the future and with the industry currently owned by two competitors (Apple iOS and Google Android), Microsoft has its hands full there – but Microsoft has never done well in the mobile OS arena. Windows CE couldn’t do it, and neither could Windows OS 7.0 and 7.5. All of them put together hold currently hold less than 1% of the mobile market. And with Linux coming fast & furious in the Server sector as well, the light shines even less on the once illustrious, Microsoft dynasty.